First I
will be talking about HOW DEPRESSION STARTS; When you are in this phase of life
you feels like the whole world has turned against you, you
feel too weak, sometimes outrageous and you get mad at yourselves probably for
not being able to accomplish your goal at some particular time or the fear of experiencing difficulty in life. It is mostly caused by persistent
failure, dejection, disappointment and some other reasons

At this
moment, anxiety, fright, sneaks in; your mind and body began to be weak and
most of the time you might feel sick, some sort of head ach or body pain. You
start having mixed feeling of the situation you are at that moment, you start
losing focus on every other thing concerning you. Concentration lost. Unable to
carry on with your normal daily activities. You probably must have reached out
to people but no one seems to understand you or what you are going through This
sometimes gets one into thinking of committing suicide or getting into drugs or
excessive drinking of alcohol which leads to mental disorder, especially for
teenagers and adults at the age of 17 to 30 years.
The researchers say that only 8% of people with mental distress went on to die from colorectal cancer, one of the most common cancers.
The researchers say that only 8% of people with mental distress went on to die from colorectal cancer, one of the most common cancers.

Getting out
of depression is like breaking free from what so ever that has got you locked down for a long time, its a gradual process.
PRAYER is one of the most important key of overcoming depressing, God answers
prayer when you pray with faith and hope, it gives you a lot relief. When you pour out your worries and fears to
Him, He will never forsake you.
Secondly, LETTING GO off the past and trying not to worry about anything disturbing your
peace of mind. Try to discover and pay attention to what so ever that might be
threatening your peace of mind, stay away from it and avoid it. If something
feels like its draining you or fighting your peace of mind and happiness do not
deal with it at all.
Be confident;
Depression, anxiety and panic attack are not signs of weakness, do not feel
less of yourself, you have lots of chances of accomplishing your goals.
Positive; It’s time to be Happy, over thinking, anxiety and sadness isn’t worth
it anymore, just let things flow. One day you will thank
yourself for not giving up.
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