AN IDEAL CHILDHOOD
Growing up in the eastern area of Nigerian, it was quite not fun filled and happy as I’ve heard other people describe how their childhood was, like letting a child discover what he or she love and giving them space and time to explore that. Mine was a whole lot different. I had both parent till I was 5 and I lost Dad, I felt I didn’t have the chance to explore or live my childhood to the fullest and happier as I expected. Around me, I saw kids my age being cared for and taken care of by their dad, it was only my mum, I saw clearly her struggle, it breaks me down each time I realize that I can’t even help her. What my mum did was to mask most of her suffering and fill the gap and responsibility of a father, she quite succeeded.

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  For me I think childhood is a time to learn tolerance and be inclusive, childhood is about making friends, imaginative play, working together and sharing stories. One of the greatest sign of growth is when a child chooses what he/she believes in.

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 I was quite fast in choosing what I wanted to look like when I grow up, the kind of house I would want to buy when I grow up, kind of life I would want my mum to live when am rich, the kind of career I want, the kind of clothes and attire I would be putting on when I grow. I observe and create characters right in my head, sometimes I turn them into written stories.

Being always calm, I already had the mindset of not being the kind of huggy kid who shakes hands with everyone and I was totally Ok with it.
It seems almost impossible to live a completely happy, safe, secure, lavish childhood life. I think if you have someone who cares for you, loves you that mean you are having a good childhood no matter the circumstances. It doesn’t really matter if you were raised by both parents or not.
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 Kids need all the attention and love they could get, the very best attention you can give to a child is reading stories with them, cuddling them, playing with them, and watching TV together with them. 
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Most of the time consulting your child not like they should dictate to you about their daily life but once in a while sit them down and have a discussion about anything they would want to share or talk about, this will as well help build mutual relationship with you and your kid.

Having few rules too, let your kids understand that they are things they are restricted from doing, and that they are things you will tolerate and things you won’t tolerate.
Having childhood memory filled with thoughtful and fun free life with love would influence the child when he/she grows.  The effect of childhood is played out in Adulthood.


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