
Showing posts from 2020


              HOW TO KEEP BRAIDS NEW AND CLEAN                            I will be giving few tips on how to keep braids new, braiding has become one of the trending hair styles for women anytime, any day. Braiding has so many different styles which can be done using different colors of attachment, wool, crochet etc. Hair stylists would say braiding is one of the hair styles that has long process and takes longer time to make.                                              TIPS ON HOW TO MAINTAIN BRAIDS   1. KEEP HAIR TIED UP WHEN GOING TO BED Tying or Covering your head will help prevent...


JADA PINKET AND JADEN SMITH RESPONSE TO A CLIP OF SHANE SEXUALIZING WILLOW SMITH Shane Dawson a popular YouTuber made a 20 minutes video apologizing using the n-word doing blackface and joking about pedophilia, among some other things. Just before the video was uploaded, a disturbing video of Shane pretending to masturbate to a poster of 11 year old Willow Smith. After so much chaos online regarding this very disturbing clip, Willow’s mother Jada Pinkett Smith addressed the surfaced clip, tweeting directly to Shane. She wrote “To Shane Dawson…I’m done with the excuses” Willow’s brother, Jaden Smith who is also an actor and a rapper retweeted his mother. “Shane Dawson I am disgusted by you, you sexualizing an 11 year old girl who happens to be my sister. Is the furthest thing from funny and am not okay in the slightest bit”, Jaden Said. “This man was also doing blackface on the regular [man facepalming emoji]. As the youth, we need to support creators who support us and our...


            WAYS TO MAKE A MAN CHASE AFTER YOU                                                            A man is meant to chase after a woman and not the other way round, you can make him find interest in you and make him naturally fall for you. It is normal for guys to chase after women. This is because men normally go for whatever they desire. There are moments when you will come across a man you love and desire and you'd like him to chase after you. What do you do if the guy doesn’t show interest in you? For some women, they will not have a problem chasing after dudes and will always take the lead in such circumstances. Some men ca...

The Giant Lip Plate

          THE GIANT LIP PLATE The giant lip plate is distinctive clay discs inserted into the bottom hole of the lip. They have their lip cut at the age of 15 or 16, 2 – 3 lower front teeth has to be pulled out and then a small wooden plug is inserted, this plug is replaced by a larger one until the lip is stretched enough to hold the clay disc. As the years goes on the lip increases as larger plates are inserted into the lip, when these plates are removed the lip hangs like a rope.   The Surma people are made up of Suri tribe and Mursi tribe; they live in the southwestern plains of Ethiopia. The Surma women always shave their hair, they intricate the scarification patterns on their skin and also wear the lip plate as a sign of beauty which increases the price of a woman when she is ready to be married; the lip plate is also used as expression of value of female strength and self esteem. The most beautiful woman gets up to 20 cows. The bigger the ...


 POSSESSING YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING Alot of people assume that having good mental health only means being happy most of the time. Research shows that positive emotions have many benefits; they increase resilience to stress and encourage us to learn, grow and get along with others. A truly satisfying life includes direction and purpose; we should act accordingly with deep value and also ensure that we contribute to the things we care about, such as family, friends, community, work and others. People who cultivate meaning and purpose, develop skills and competencies, exercise autonomy, make out time to attend to their relationship and contribute to the things they care about are likely to be healthier than people who don’t. They have lower chances of being depressed and high self esteem with life satisfaction.   However, psychological well being refers to the positive mental states such as happiness or being satisfied, your positive relationship with others, pers...

Few Facts About Rape You Need To Know

                FACTS ABOUT RAPE Rape is a type of sexual assault which involves sexual intercourse or sexual penetration carried out without that person’s consent, the act of rape can be physical force or abuse of authority against someone who is incapacitated, unconscious or someone at a tender age. People who have been raped can be traumatized and develop post traumatic stress disorder, they might as well be injured or contact sexually transmitted disease. An understanding that sex without consent is rape is apparently the first step to change social attitude that further harm rape victims.  These are few facts you need to know about rape: 1.  Majority assume that rape are committed by someone known to the victim but most of this rape cases are committed by someone close to the victim like colleague, partner or ex partner, family member. 2.  Due to lack of trust rape are hugely under reported in the j...