Few Facts About Rape You Need To Know

                FACTS ABOUT RAPE
Rape is a type of sexual assault which involves sexual intercourse or sexual penetration carried out without that person’s consent, the act of rape can be physical force or abuse of authority against someone who is incapacitated, unconscious or someone at a tender age. People who have been raped can be traumatized and develop post traumatic stress disorder, they might as well be injured or contact sexually transmitted disease.
An understanding that sex without consent is rape is apparently the first step to change social attitude that further harm rape victims. 

These are few facts you need to know about rape:

 Majority assume that rape are committed by someone known to the victim but most of this rape cases are committed by someone close to the victim like colleague, partner or ex partner, family member.


Due to lack of trust rape are hugely under reported in the justice system. It takes a lot of courage and determination to report a rape and when they do so women are often blamed and humiliated. People tend to ask them; what they did to provoke it or why they had to put themselves in that situation. One of the greatest fear of every survivor is the fear of not being believed, survivors deserves to be believed, their reports should be investigated while they get the support they deserve.   


 In reality, women are being sexually assaulted while wearing any type of cloth. Her dress is not a ‘Yes’, what she is putting on does not imply consent. However the assumption that what a woman wears can provoke a man to rape her stems from rooted stereotype about male and female sexuality. The society needs to understand that sex without consent is Rape.


Alcohol and drugs is never an excuse to justify rape; having sexual intercourse with someone who isn’t capable of consenting because of alcohol or drug is rape. However, claiming to be drunk while you forcefully have sexual intercourse without the person’s consent is never an excuse to justify Rape.
No - is not consent 
She's Crying - Is not Consent
She's Drunk - Is not Consent
She says wait - Is not Consent
She says she not in the mood - is not consent.


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