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Although body weight training is a surge in popularity these days, which is the oldest form of exercise. Most people have been fully equipped to do body weight training since the dawn of mankind, but those silly kettlebells and rowing machines didn’t come along until much later.

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 The most familiar body weight training exercise and arguably one of the most effective is the push up.
Sure, you can add fancy hand positions or put a medicine ball under one hand to make it more challenging. When you get right down to it, though, a push-up is really just a conversation between you, the floor, and gravity.

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                                                      Running is very accessible.

 Running is well accessible, some requirement are pair of trainers, flexible leggings, a good sport bra and empty streets, or fields.
Because it’s weight bearing, running torches calories. Calorie burn will vary between individuals, but a woman of around 60 kg will burn 472 calories an hour when running at a moderate 12 minute mile pace, and this increases with intensity:
Running is also good for building up bone strength, which can help protect against Osteoporosis later in life – a concern both for women and for cyclists who typically spend most of their exercising hours seated.
Most people find their heart rate shoots up pretty quickly when running, and it certainly gives the cardiovascular system a good pounding.
Every step sends vibration through your body, and problems with the feet, calf, hamstrings, IT band and glutes are far from uncommon.
Most of these injuries are caused by overuse – asking muscles that aren’t used to running to do too much, too soon. This can be avoided by building up slowly – either with one run a week alongside other exercise or switching between running and walking whilst gradually building up the running portion. Sticking to soft surfaces – grass and mud – is also advised as this will put less stress on your limbs.
The risk of developing an injury is also greater if you currently possess less muscle mass and more body fat. Therefore, it’s not recommended for people who are overweight.

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 Swimming is an individual or team racing sport which requires the use of individual's entire body to move through water. Swimming takes place in pools or open water.

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Losing weight is one of the most common reasons for people to swim, run. walk or cycle recreation ally. Different activities have a different impact on our waistline but there are some popular myths when it comes to losing weight while swimming. There were some coaches and personal trainers in the past that stated swimming is not as effective as running going as far as saying, If you want to lose weight, you’re better off swimming in the pool than walking around pool.
Swimming reduces fat in the body as well decreases stress,


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