Landlords and Tenant Responsibility

Landlords Responsibility for Home Security During the Holidays As the holiday season gets closer, landlords mustmake sure their rental homes are safe. Many tenants will be away, leaving homes open to crime. It's up to landlords to protect their tenants and keep the property safe from holiday risks. Ensuring Adequate Security Measures Landlords should check their homes' security and make any needed changes. This might mean better locks, more lights outside, even security cameras or employing security personel to watch over and guard the property during the holiday season. It's also important to give tenants contact info for maintenance and security. Landlord Liability for Negligence Landlords must keep their homes safe and secure. If they don't, they could be held responsible for any damage or harm. If a tenant experiences a break-in or vandalism because of poor security, they might sue the landlord. By focusing on landlord responsibilities...